

  • Logically Equivalent using Truth Table
  • Logically Equivalent without using Truth Table
  • Normal Forms(DNF,CNF,PDNF,PCNF)
  • Predicates And Quantifiers
  • Rule of inference
  • Proofs in Propositional Logic

  • Introduction
  • One TO One Functions
  • Onto Function or Surjection
  • Bijective
  • Identity Function
  • Inverse Function
  • Compostion of Function f&g
  • The Graphs of functions
  • Floor functions
  • Ceiling Functions

  • Introduction
  • Complement of a Relation
  • Inverse of Relation
  • Types of Relation
  •       Reflexive Relation
          Irreflexive Relation
          Symmetric Relation
          Anti Symmetric Relation
          Asymmetric Relation
          Transtive Relation
  • Closure of Relation
  •       Reflexive Closure
          Symmetric Closure
          Transtive Closure
            Transtive Closure Using Warshall's Algorithem
  • Equivalence Relation
  •       Equivalence Classes
  • Partial Ordering
  •       Hasse Diagram

  • Basic concepts
  • Bipartite Graph
  • Handshaking Theorem
  • representation of graph
  •       incidence matrix
          Adjacency Matrix
  • Graph isomorphism
  • Euler's Theorem
  • Hamiltonian Graph
  • Planar Graph
  •       Euler's formula
          Kuratowski's Theorem
  • Graph Coloring
  •       Chromatic Number
  • Shortest Path
  •       Dijkstra's Algorithm

  • Definition Of Tree
  • Rooted Tree
  • Terminology for Rooted Tree
  • Spaning Tree
  •       Depth-First Search
          Breadth-First Search
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  •       Prim's Algorithm
          Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Tree Traversal
  • Traversal Algorithms
  •       Preorder Traversal
          Inorder Traversal
          Postorder Traversal
  • Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Notation
  • Applications Of Trees
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