List of chapters


Data Model







Explain Conventional File System in detail and what is principle here with an example.

Example to compare both methods

Advantages of a DBMS




Data base system architecture

Data independence in DBMS

Instances and schema

Data definition language

Data manipulation language  




Comparing a Database Management System (DBMS) with conventional file systems for managing data helps highlight the advantages and drawbacks of both approaches. Before the widespread use of DBMSs, data was typically managed using file-based systems. Here are the key differences between DBMS and conventional file-based methods:

1. Data Redundancy and Duplication

2. Data Integrity

3. Data Security

4. Data Isolation

5. Concurrency Control

6. Backup and Recovery

7. Scalability and Performance

8. Maintenance and Data Manipulation


The shift from conventional file-based systems to DBMSs has significantly enhanced the ability to manage data more reliably, securely, and efficiently. While file systems can still be suitable for very small or simple applications where these factors are not critical, DBMSs offer superior capabilities that are essential for modern data management needs across most enterprises and complex applications.



Explain Conventional File System in detail and what is principle here with an example.                                                                                      (index page)

A conventional file system, often referred to simply as a file-based system, is a method of storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them. These systems are fundamental to the operating systems and serve the purpose of data storage and retrieval on physical media like hard drives, SSDs, or magnetic tapes. The primary principle behind conventional file systems is to manage files in a hierarchy of directories and subdirectories, which helps users and programs locate and organize their data effectively.

Principles of Conventional File Systems

Hierarchical Structure: The most prevalent principle in conventional file systems is the hierarchical structuring of files into directories. This structure allows for data to be organized in a manner that is both understandable and navigable to users. For instance, files are organized in folders, and folders can contain other folders, creating a tree-like structure.

Direct Access and Storage: Files in a conventional file system can be accessed directly using names and paths. When a file is needed, the system directly fetches it from its storage location. Data is stored either sequentially or non-sequentially, and locations are managed via a file allocation table or similar mechanism.

Metadata: Each file and directory has metadata associated with it, such as the creation date, modification date, file type, and permissions. This metadata helps in managing files more efficiently and also governs the access and operations permissible on the files.

File Operations: Basic file operations supported by conventional file systems include creating, opening, reading, writing, closing, deleting, and renaming files. These operations are integral to data management and manipulation within the system.

Example of a Conventional File System

Let’s consider an example to illustrate how a conventional file system works:

Scenario: A user wants to organize their project documents on a computer. They create a directory structure on their computer where the main folder is named "My Projects." Inside this folder, there are subfolders for each project, e.g., "Project A," "Project B," etc. Within each project's folder, files are further organized into "Reports," "Presentations," and "Notes."

File Path Example:

My Projects/

├── Project A/

   ├── Reports/

      └── Report1.docx

   ├── Presentations/

      └── SlideShow1.pptx

   └── Notes/

       └── MeetingNotes.txt

└── Project B/

    ├── Reports/

       └── Report2.docx

    ├── Presentations/

       └── SlideShow2.pptx

    └── Notes/

        └── MeetingNotes.txt



Advantages and Limitations



In modern computing, while DBMSs have largely taken over roles requiring complex data management and multiple-user environments, conventional file systems still have their place for basic data storage and single-user applications.


 Chapter index

Example to compare both methods

Sure, let's compare the management of customer data for a small retail business using both a conventional file-based system and a Database Management System (DBMS).

Conventional File-based System

Scenario: In a small retail store, customer data is managed using a conventional file-based system. Each customer's information is stored in a separate text file within a designated folder on the store's computer. The files are named using the customer's name or ID for easy reference.


Folder Structure:


├── John_Smith.txt

├── Alice_Jones.txt

└── Robert_Doe.txt


File Contents (e.g., John_Smith.txt):

Name: John Smith

Address: 123 Main St

City: Anytown

State: ABC

Zip: 12345

Phone: 555-123-4567



Database Management System (DBMS)

Scenario: In the same retail store, customer data is managed using a DBMS, specifically a relational database system like MySQL or PostgreSQL. The customer data is stored in a single table within a database.


Database Table Structure (e.g., Customers):






| Zip  






























Advantages of DBMS over Conventional File-based System:

Conclusion: While both methods can manage customer data, a DBMS offers numerous advantages over a conventional file-based system in terms of data integrity, security, efficiency, scalability, and consistency. For businesses, especially those expecting growth and needing to handle increasing amounts of customer data, implementing a DBMS would provide better long-term benefits and support more complex data management requirements.


Chapter index

Advantages of a DBMS  (index page)

A Database Management System (DBMS) provides several significant advantages over traditional file-based systems, particularly in terms of efficiency, scalability, and data integrity. Below are the key advantages of using a DBMS:

1. Improved Data Sharing and Accessibility

A DBMS enables multiple users and applications to access data concurrently in a controlled manner, allowing easier and more flexible data sharing compared to file-based systems. This multi-user environment supports collaboration and data exchange within an organization.

2. Data Integrity and Accuracy

DBMSs enforce data integrity rules and constraints to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data. Constraints such as unique constraints, primary keys, and foreign keys ensure that the data adheres to defined rules, reducing errors and ensuring consistency across the database.

3. Data Security

One of the primary advantages of a DBMS is its ability to enforce access controls and authorization policies, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. Security measures can be defined at the field, record, or table level, and different permissions can be set for different users.

4. Data Consistency

A DBMS ensures data consistency by handling concurrent data access in a manner that avoids conflicts and maintains data integrity. This is achieved through locking mechanisms and transaction controls, which ensure that transactions are completed fully or not at all (ACID properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

5. Improved Data Management

With a DBMS, the definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases are simplified. High-level interfaces and SQL provide powerful ways to manage and manipulate data efficiently. Administrative tasks like backup, recovery, and tuning are also facilitated, contributing to overall system reliability and performance.

6. Backup and Recovery

DBMSs provide tools and utilities for regular backups and efficient recovery procedures. This ensures that in the event of a system failure, data can be restored to its previous state without significant data loss.

7. Data Abstraction and Independence

DBMS provides abstraction by hiding the complexities of the physical storage of data. It enables data independence, allowing data to be managed without altering the higher-level application logic. This makes application development simpler and more robust against changes in how the data is stored or managed.

8. Reduction in Data Redundancy

While some redundancy is necessary for optimization, a DBMS is designed to minimize redundancy and duplication. Centralized control of data by the DBMS avoids unnecessary duplications and provides organized data management tools that help in maintaining the data efficiently.

9. Scalability and Performance

DBMSs are designed to handle large volumes of data and a large number of users efficiently. They can be scaled up or distributed over multiple servers as the load increases, which is a critical advantage for growing businesses.

10. Complex Query Handling

DBMS provides sophisticated tools and languages (like SQL) to perform complex queries for retrieving data. These tools are powerful and can handle large sets of data, providing functionalities that are not possible in a conventional file system.

11. Standardization

Organizations often use standardized tools provided by the DBMS to ensure compliance with regulations. This standardization helps maintain the quality of data and consistency across the company.


The use of a DBMS has become essential for managing the vast and growing data needs of modern enterprises. Its ability to efficiently manage data, ensure security, maintain integrity, and facilitate easy access and sharing of data makes it a critical component of modern IT systems.


Chapter index



While Database Management Systems (DBMS) offer significant advantages, they also come with certain disadvantages or limitations that can impact certain scenarios or applications. Understanding these drawbacks is important when evaluating the use of a DBMS for specific requirements. Here are some key disadvantages:

1. Complexity

DBMS systems can be complex to design, manage, and maintain. They require skilled personnel such as Database Administrators (DBAs) and developers who understand the nuances of database management, query optimization, and system settings. This complexity also extends to the setup and ongoing maintenance, which involves regular updates, backups, and tuning.

2. Cost

One of the primary disadvantages of a DBMS is the cost associated with it. High-quality DBMS software can be expensive to license, especially enterprise versions that come with full support and additional features. Furthermore, there are costs related to hardware, as a DBMS often requires a substantial investment in robust server hardware, storage systems, and network infrastructure to handle the database operations effectively.

3. Performance Overhead

While a DBMS simplifies data management and offers powerful query capabilities, it can introduce performance overhead compared to simpler systems like direct file system storage. The overhead is due to the DBMS’s need to enforce data integrity, security, and transaction control, which can add latency to data operations, especially under heavy load or in complex transaction scenarios.

4. Higher Resource Requirements

DBMSs typically require significant system resources, including CPU power, memory, and disk space. The operational demands increase with the size of the database and the number of concurrent users. This can lead to higher operational costs and energy consumption.

5. Data Recovery Vulnerabilities

Although DBMSs provide robust mechanisms for data recovery, the complexity and the scale of these systems can sometimes make recovery a challenging task. In cases of severe data corruption or system failures, restoring a database to its last known good state can be time-consuming and potentially result in data loss or lengthy downtimes.

6. Vendor Lock-in

Choosing a DBMS often ties an organization to a specific vendor due to the proprietary nature of many database systems. Migrating from one DBMS to another can be a costly and complex process, involving extensive data migration, rewriting of application code, and retraining of staff. This dependency can limit flexibility in changing database technologies or negotiating contracts.

7. Security Complexity

While DBMSs enhance security, managing these security settings can be complex and requires constant vigilance. Incorrect configurations or failed security updates can expose the database to vulnerabilities and attacks, which can be catastrophic given the centralized nature of data storage in a DBMS.

8. Scalability Challenges

Although DBMSs are designed to handle large volumes of data, scaling a database horizontally (across multiple machines) is often more challenging compared to scaling vertically (adding more resources to a single machine). Distributed databases can address some of these challenges but introduce additional complexity and consistency issues.

9. Backup Disruptions

The process of backing up a large database can be resource-intensive and may affect the performance of the DBMS during the backup period. Planning and executing backups such that they minimize the impact on regular operations can be a delicate task.


Despite these disadvantages, the benefits of using a DBMS often outweigh the drawbacks, especially for organizations that need to manage large volumes of data securely and efficiently. However, for smaller applications or projects with limited budgets and less critical data management needs, simpler solutions might be more appropriate. Understanding both the advantages and disadvantages helps in making an informed decision about whether or not to implement a DBMS.


Chapter index


Characteristics (index page)

When discussing "characteristics," it's important to specify the context or subject to which these characteristics apply. Since your previous queries involved Database Management Systems (DBMS), I'll assume you're interested in the characteristics of a DBMS. These characteristics outline what makes DBMS technology unique and valuable for managing data in various organizational environments. Here are some of the fundamental characteristics of a DBMS:

1. Data Abstraction

A DBMS provides a high level of abstraction, hiding the complexities of how data is stored, accessed, and managed. Users interact with the system through a simplified view (such as SQL queries), without needing to understand the underlying data structures and storage mechanisms.

2. Data Independence

Data independence is a major characteristic of a DBMS that allows you to change the data storage structures or operations without needing to modify the DBMS applications. This characteristic is typically divided into two types:

3. Efficient Data Access

DBMS uses sophisticated algorithms to ensure that data retrieval and manipulation are both efficient and effective, even for large databases. Query optimization techniques are applied to improve performance, particularly important for complex queries over large datasets.

4. Data Integrity and Security

Data integrity ensures that data is accurate, consistent, and reliable. A DBMS enforces data integrity via constraints, rules, and structures like primary and foreign keys. Security measures control access to data, ensuring only authorized users can access or modify it according to assigned permissions.

5. Data Management

With centralized management of data, a DBMS ensures that all data is managed centrally, which provides:

6. Multi-User and Concurrent Access

DBMS allows multiple users to access and work on the data simultaneously. This characteristic is crucial in environments where many users need to work with the data at the same time, ensuring data consistency and conflict resolution.

7. Scalability and Performance

A DBMS can handle increases not only in data volume but also in the number of users, allowing an organization to scale its database system as it grows. Performance is maintained through the efficient management of resources and the database's ability to manage increasing demands.

8. Transaction Management

A DBMS supports transactions, which are sequences of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. A transaction must be entirely completed or not executed at all, preserving the database's consistency. This is managed through the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

9. Data Consistency

Multiple copies of the same data can lead to inconsistencies. A DBMS ensures that all views of the database are consistent. Updates made by one user are promptly available to all other users, maintaining data consistency across the database.

10. Administrative Capabilities

A DBMS provides tools for monitoring, tuning, and optimizing the performance of the database. This includes managing user permissions, resource allocation, and other administrative tasks that ensure the database operates smoothly and efficiently.

These characteristics highlight the sophisticated nature of DBMS technologies and their suitability for handling complex data management tasks required by today's organizations. Understanding these characteristics helps organizations decide on the right type of DBMS for their needs and how to leverage its capabilities effectively.


Chapter index


Data ABSTRACTION   (index page)

Data abstraction is a fundamental principle used extensively in database management systems (DBMS) as well as in computer science generally. It refers to the process of hiding the complex realities of the underlying data storage and processing mechanisms from the users, allowing them to interact with the system through a simplified and clean interface. In essence, data abstraction simplifies the complexities involved in storing and managing data by presenting only the necessary details to the user, while hiding the technical details of how the data is stored, maintained, and retrieved.

Levels of Data Abstraction in a DBMS

A DBMS typically provides three levels of data abstraction:

  1. Physical Level (Internal Level):
  1. Logical Level (Conceptual Level):
  1. View Level (External Level):

Benefits of Data Abstraction in a DBMS

Data abstraction is a powerful concept that underpins much of the functionality and user experience enhancements in modern database systems, ensuring that DBMSs remain efficient and manageable even as they scale to manage vast quantities of data.


To illustrate data abstraction in a Database Management System (DBMS), let's consider a practical example of a university database system. This system stores and manages various data related to students, faculty, courses, and classrooms.

Example: University Database System

1. Physical Level (Internal Level)

Example Detail: Suppose student records are stored using a B-tree index to speed up lookups, and data is physically distributed across several hard drives.

2. Logical Level (Conceptual Level)

Example Schema:

3. View Level (External Level)

Example Views:

Benefits Demonstrated

This example demonstrates how data abstraction in a DBMS allows different stakeholders in a university to efficiently and securely access and interact with the data they need, tailored to their specific roles, all while hiding the complexity of underlying data storage and processing details.


Chapter index


Data base system architecture   (index page)

Database system architecture is fundamental to understanding how database management systems (DBMS) are structured and operate. The architecture of a DBMS helps to plan, design, and manage data effectively, ensuring robust data manipulation, storage, and retrieval functionalities. This architecture can vary widely among different types of DBMS, but typically, it includes several key components and layers which work together to manage data. Here’s a detailed explanation of a general database system architecture:

1. DBMS Architecture Layers

Most database systems are structured in layers, which help separate the user's view of the database from the physical database stored on the computer. The three main layers are:

2. DBMS Engine

The DBMS engine is responsible for translating user queries and commands into actions on the physical database. This component operates at the core of the system to manage all interactions with the database, from querying data to updating and managing transactions. The engine ensures data integrity, security, and consistency through its various functionalities.

3. Database Schema

The schema in a database system defines its structure. It is typically divided into three different schemas according to the three levels of architecture:

4. Storage Manager

The storage manager component of a DBMS is crucial for managing the allocation of space on disk and data structures used to store data. It manages the reading and writing of data to and from disk and organizes the efficient handling of disk requests.

5. Transaction Processing

DBMSs must handle potentially many concurrent operations on the database from different users. The transaction manager ensures that the database remains in a consistent (correct) state despite concurrent user accesses and system failures. It manages transaction processes and controls the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) of transactions.

6. Query Processor

The query processor analyzes and executes all queries submitted by users. It translates queries written in a query language (like SQL) into low-level instructions that the storage manager can understand. This component also optimizes queries to improve execution efficiency.

7. Security and Authorization

Security management in a DBMS ensures that only authorized users can access or manipulate data stored in the database. This module uses authentication schemes to verify users and includes permissions and protocols to handle data security.

8. Backup and Recovery

This component is responsible for maintaining backups and restoring data from backups in case of data loss, corruption, or system failures. Ensuring data is not permanently lost is critical for the integrity and longevity of database systems.


The architecture of a DBMS is designed to be robust, secure, and efficient to handle various data-intensive operations. Understanding this architecture is key for database administrators and system architects when they design, implement, and maintain database systems. Each component plays a crucial role in ensuring the database operates smoothly, remains accessible, and securely stores the organization's data.


Let's take a practical example to illustrate how the different components of database system architecture work together in a real-world scenario. We'll consider an online bookstore system where customers can browse books, authors, and make purchases. This example will showcase how the various elements of the database architecture interact to manage the bookstore's data efficiently.

Scenario: Online Bookstore Database System

1. External Level (View Level)

Each of these views is customized to meet the needs and permissions of the different users, filtering data from the same underlying database to show relevant information.

2. Conceptual Level (Logical Level)

The schema captures all data elements and their relationships, such as books linked to authors through AuthorID and orders linked to customers and books.

3. Internal Level (Physical Level)

This layer deals with how data is physically laid out in memory and on disk, including the use of specialized data structures to optimize performance and storage efficiency.

4. DBMS Engine

5. Storage Manager

6. Transaction Processing

7. Query Processor

8. Security and Authorization

9. Backup and Recovery


This example illustrates the layered approach of a DBMS in managing the complexities of an online bookstore. Each layer and component plays a crucial role in ensuring the system is robust, secure, and efficient, providing different user groups with appropriate and optimized views and interactions with the database.

Top of Form




Data independence in DBMS  (index page)

Data independence in a Database Management System (DBMS) refers to the ability to modify a database schema at one level of a database system without having to alter the schema at the next higher level. Essentially, it is the capacity to change the database structure without affecting the data access or associated applications. This concept is fundamental to the layered architecture of DBMSs and is key to ensuring that databases remain adaptable and manageable over time.

Data independence can be classified into two types:

  1. Logical Data Independence: This is the ability to modify the logical schema of the database without having to rewrite application programs. The logical schema describes the structure of the whole database for a community of users. Changes to the logical schema may include adding new fields, deleting fields, or changing the data type of fields in a database table. Logical data independence shields application code from changes in the logical structure of the data. For example, if a database administrator decides to split a column into two columns, the applications using that database should not be affected by this change.
  2. Physical Data Independence: This is the ability to change the physical schema without having to change the logical schema or applications. The physical schema deals with the storage of the data and its access paths, like indexes. Changes to the physical schema may include changing the type of file storage system or using different storage devices, without altering the data's logical structure as viewed by the user. For instance, if a database is moved to a new storage device with a different block size or if an index is added or changed, the applications that query the data should not need to be aware of these changes.

Importance of Data Independence:

Data independence is achieved through the use of a schema architecture typically comprised of three levels:

Overall, data independence is a crucial aspect of DBMS design that helps in managing data efficiently and effectively, adapting to new requirements while minimizing disruptions to existing applications.


Certainly! Let's consider a real-world example of a university database system to illustrate both logical and physical data independence.

Example Scenario: University Database System

Initial Setup:

Imagine a university database that stores information about students, courses, and enrollments. Here are simplified representations of two tables within this database:

Students Table

Courses Table

Example of Logical Data Independence:

Suppose the university administration decides to start tracking the department for each course. This requires adding a new column, Department, to the Courses table.

Modified Courses Table

Logical Data Independence allows the database to be modified at the logical schema level (adding the Department column) without affecting the applications that query the Courses table. For instance, a course listing application that retrieves just the CourseID and CourseName does not need to be updated or even be aware that the Department column has been added, as long as it does not specifically require this new information.

Example of Physical Data Independence:

Consider that the university has grown, and the database needs optimization to handle larger volumes of data efficiently. The database administrator decides to implement new indexes on the Students table to speed up lookup operations based on Email and also moves the table to a faster storage system.

Physical Changes:

Physical Data Independence ensures that despite these physical changes, the applications that access the Students table need not be altered. Queries to fetch student information will still function the same way, regardless of the underlying changes in data storage or index optimization.


In both cases, the applications interacting with the database do not need to be changed immediately to accommodate changes at the database level. This illustrates how data independence allows the database administrators to manage, optimize, and scale the database without causing disruptions to the front-end applications that serve the university's staff and students. This separation between how data is stored and how it is used by applications is crucial for maintaining large-scale systems efficiently.


Instances and schema   (index page)

In the context of database systems, understanding the distinction between schema and instances is crucial as they represent different aspects of how data is organized and managed within a Database Management System (DBMS).


The schema of a database is a formal structure that defines how the database is organized. It acts as a blueprint or architecture that outlines the arrangement of the database, specifying:

The schema is designed during the database design phase and typically does not change frequently, as it forms the structural backbone of the database. Changes to the schema are considered significant because they may affect the entire database system, including the applications that interact with it.

A database schema is described in a language supported by the DBMS, typically SQL (Structured Query Language). Here’s a simple example of part of a schema definition in SQL:



    Name VARCHAR(100),

    Email VARCHAR(100)





    CourseName VARCHAR(100),

    Credits INT




An instance of a database refers to the data contained in the database at a specific point in time. Unlike the schema, which is the structure or design of the database, an instance is the actual content—the set of information that is stored in the database as it exists at any given moment. This includes all the data across all tables and other structures.

Instances of a database change very frequently as new data is added, updated, or deleted. For example, when a new student enrolls in the university, a new row is added to the Students table; this is part of the database instance. Similarly, when a student changes their email, the instance is updated.

Here's what an instance of the Students table might look like at a particular moment:

| StudentID | Name          | Email                |


| 1         | Alice Johnson |    |

| 2         | Bob Lee       |   |



In summary:

Understanding the difference between schema and instance is essential for effective database management, ensuring that data integrity is maintained while allowing flexibility in daily operations.


Data definition language     (index page)

Data Definition Language (DDL) is a subset of SQL commands used specifically for defining, altering, and managing the structure and schema of a database, rather than manipulating the data it contains. DDL commands provide the means to perform tasks such as creating, altering, and deleting database objects like tables, indexes, constraints, and views.

Here are the primary DDL commands and their purposes:


The CREATE command is used to create new database objects. For example, you can create new tables, databases, views, indexes, and other structural components of a database. This is the fundamental command to set up the structure within a database according to the schema design.

Example: Creating a table

CREATE TABLE Employees (


    FirstName VARCHAR(50),

    LastName VARCHAR(50),

    Email VARCHAR(100),

    DateOfBirth DATE




The ALTER command is used to modify existing database structures. It can be used to add, delete, or modify columns in a table and to change other database schema properties without dropping the entire database or table.

Example: Adding a column to an existing table


ADD PhoneNumber VARCHAR(15);



The DROP command is used to delete objects from the database. This command removes the objects and their data permanently from the database. If you drop a table, for instance, both the table structure and its data are permanently deleted.

Example: Dropping a table

DROP TABLE Employees;



The TRUNCATE command is used to delete all the rows from a table without deleting the table structure. This is useful for quickly removing all records from a table, ensuring that the table structure, including its constraints, indexes, and settings, remains intact.

Example: Truncating a table




The COMMENT command is used to add explanatory comments to the data dictionary about database objects, which can help document the database directly in its schema.

Example: Adding a comment to a table column

COMMENT ON COLUMN Employees.Email IS 'Employee contact email address';



The RENAME command is used to rename a database object like a table or a column. This is particularly useful during refactoring or reorganizing database structures.

Example: Renaming a table

ALTER TABLE Employees RENAME TO StaffMembers;



DDL commands are crucial for setting up and modifying the database's architecture. They are executed by the database system to create or change the structure of the database objects and do not deal directly with data manipulation. DDL commands also generally involve changes to the metadata of the database. Importantly, many DDL operations are implicit transaction control statements; that is, they often auto-commit the changes made, making it crucial to use them carefully in production environments.


Data manipulation language   (index page)

Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a subset of SQL commands used to retrieve, insert, modify, and delete data in databases. Unlike Data Definition Language (DDL), which is focused on modifying the schema and structure of a database, DML is all about handling the data within tables. DML is essential for performing day-to-day operations on the data stored within a database management system.

Here are the primary DML commands and their purposes:


The SELECT command is used to query data from a database. It allows the retrieval of specific data from one or more tables and supports operations like sorting, filtering, grouping, and joining data. This command is the most frequently used DML command as it's critical for viewing and analyzing data.

Example: Retrieving employee names and emails


SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Employees;



The INSERT command is used to add new rows of data to a table. This command is crucial for populating a database with new data after the database structure has been set up with DDL commands.

Example: Adding a new employee

INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Email, DateOfBirth)

VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', '', '1985-01-15');



The UPDATE command is used to modify existing data within a table. It can change the data in any row, including one or many rows at a time, based on a condition specified by a WHERE clause.

Example: Updating an employee's email

UPDATE Employees

SET Email = ''

WHERE EmployeeID = 1;



The DELETE command is used to remove rows from a table. Similar to the UPDATE command, it can target one or more rows based on the conditions specified in a WHERE clause. It is important to use the WHERE clause to avoid deleting more data than intended.

Example: Deleting an employee record


WHERE EmployeeID = 1;


Additional Considerations


DML commands are the core tools used by database users to interact with data. Whether it's querying, adding, modifying, or deleting data, DML commands provide the necessary operations for most data-handling needs in database applications. These commands are integral to the functionality of interactive applications, ensuring users can manage and interact with the data as needed.






                                                     Data Model


Data model

Entity Relationship model

Network model

Relational Model

Object-Oriented Data Mode

Integrity constraints

Querying relational data

Logical database design

Introduction to Database Views


Data model

A data model is a conceptual representation of the data structures that are required by a database and are essential for defining and organizing the data elements and their relationships. It is a blueprint for how data is structured and managed in a database system. Data models help ensure that the data is stored in a structured way, making it easier to retrieve, manipulate, and manage.

Types of Data Models

There are several types of data models, including:

  1. Conceptual Data Model: Defines what the system contains without going into details about how the data is stored. It is high-level and often used in the planning phase.
  2. Logical Data Model: Specifies more detail about the structure without being concerned with the physical implementation of the database. It includes entities, attributes, keys, and relationships between entities.
  3. Physical Data Model: Describes exactly how data is stored in the database, including tables, columns, indexes, constraints, and how they are physically implemented on the storage system.

Example: Online Bookstore

Let's illustrate these concepts with an example of an online bookstore. We'll describe a simple data model at both the conceptual and logical levels.

Conceptual Data Model

For the online bookstore, we identify the main entities:

And some basic relationships:

This model identifies the key entities and their relationships but doesn’t go into attributes or other details.

Logical Data Model

Expanding on the conceptual model, we add attributes to each entity and define primary keys (PK) and foreign keys (FK) for relationships.

In this logical model, you can see how tables might be structured in a database with keys designated to establish relationships (e.g., a foreign key in Book referencing PublisherID).

Implementing a Physical Data Model

When designing the physical data model for the same bookstore, specifics such as the types of indices, character sets, storage engine, and other database-specific features would be defined. For example, in a SQL database, the Book table could be created with SQL commands considering performance optimizations like indexes on ISBN for faster searches.



    Title VARCHAR(255),

    Author VARCHAR(100),


    Price DECIMAL(10, 2),

    PublisherID INT,

    INDEX idx_isbn (ISBN),

    FOREIGN KEY (PublisherID) REFERENCES Publisher(PublisherID)



index               chapters list

Entity Relationship model

The Entity-Relationship (ER) model is a conceptual tool used in designing and structuring data, particularly in relational database management systems. This model focuses on identifying the entities involved in a business environment and the relationships between those entities. An entity represents a real-world object or concept, such as a person, place, item, or event, which can have data stored about it. Relationships describe how entities interact with one another.

Components of the ER Model

The ER model consists of three primary elements:

  1. Entities: These are objects or concepts about which data can be collected.
  2. Attributes: These are properties or details of an entity, which help in describing the entity.
  3. Relationships: These denote how entities are associated with one another.

Additionally, entities in an ER diagram are often categorized as:

Relationships can be classified as:

Example: University Management System

Let's consider a university system to understand how the ER model can be implemented.

Entities and Their Attributes:

  1. Student
  1. Course
  1. Instructor


  1. Enrollment (between Student and Course)
  1. Teaching (between Instructor and Course)
    • One-to-Many (1:N): An instructor can teach multiple courses, but each course is taught by one instructor.

ER Diagram Representation

This scenario can be visually represented in an ER diagram as follows:

The diagram would show:

This ER model helps database designers understand the data requirements and structural relationships within the university system, guiding the development of a relational database schema.


The ER model is crucial for systematizing data relationships and entity behaviors in complex systems. By defining entities, their attributes, and the relationships among them, the ER model provides a clear roadmap for database creation, ensuring that all necessary data interactions are accounted for and efficiently managed. This structured approach not only aids in database design but also helps maintain consistency and accuracy throughout the application's lifecycle.


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Network model

The Network Model is a database model conceived as a flexible way of representing objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is its ability to represent more complex relationships among data than the simpler hierarchical model. The network model organizes data using connections among multiple records, which allows for a more versatile way of structuring data. In this model, data is represented as collections of records, and relationships are represented as links (or pointers) between these records.

Key Concepts of the Network Model

  1. Record Types: These are similar to tables in the relational model and consist of fixed-format records of various types.
  2. Set Types: In the network model, a set type is used to define a one-to-many relationship (1:N) between two types of records: an owner record type and a member record type. Each set type defines a single one-to-many relationship.
  3. Owner Record: The record type that has several member record types associated with it.
  4. Member Record: The record type that is owned by an owner record.

Advantages of the Network Model

Example: Library Management System

Consider a library system where we have three types of records: Books, Authors, and Borrowers.

Record Types


Network Model Diagram

In the network model, these relationships are visualized as a graph where records (nodes) are connected by links (edges). Each record type has its own structure, and set types define how records of different types are linked.

This model allows navigational access from any given record to any other connected record through these pointers, which is highly efficient but can become complex to manage as the size of the database and the number of connections grow.


The network model provides a very dynamic way of dealing with relationships between records. It offers considerable flexibility and is particularly useful in environments where relationships are complex and multifaceted. However, the complexity of managing the pointers and the overall structure makes it less popular today than the more straightforward relational model. The network model remains influential, particularly in understanding the evolution of database technologies and in specific applications where its characteristics are particularly beneficial.


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Relational Model

The Relational Model is a widely used approach for managing data that organizes information into tables, known as relations, which can be easily manipulated using relational algebra. This model was first proposed by Edgar F. Codd in 1970 and has since become the standard for database systems due to its simplicity and robust data integrity. In the relational model, each table (or relation) is made up of rows (records) and columns (attributes), and each table has a primary key that uniquely identifies its rows.

Key Concepts of the Relational Model

  1. Relation/Table: A set of tuples sharing the same attributes; a table of values.
  2. Tuple/Row: A single, implicitly structured data item in a table.
  3. Attribute/Column: A named element of a tuple, similar to a field.
  4. Primary Key: A column, or a set of columns, that uniquely identifies a row in a table.
  5. Foreign Key: A column or group of columns in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table, creating a relationship between the two tables.
  6. Normalization: The process of structuring a relational database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

Example: Online Retail Store

Consider an online retail system that needs to manage information about products, customers, and orders. Here’s how data might be organized in a relational database:

Tables (Relations)

  1. Products
  1. Customers
  1. Orders
  1. OrderDetails (links Orders to Products, representing items in each order)

Example Data and Relationships

Imagine the following sample data:

Data Manipulation

Using SQL, the standard language for relational databases, you can easily retrieve, update, insert, and delete data:

Retrieve: Get details of all orders for "Alice Smith".

SELECT o.OrderID, o.OrderDate, od.ProductID, p.Name, od.Quantity, od.Price

FROM Orders o

JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.OrderID = od.OrderID

JOIN Products p ON od.ProductID = p.ProductID

JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID

WHERE c.Name = 'Alice Smith';


Insert: Add a new product

INSERT INTO Products (ProductID, Name, Price, Category)

VALUES (103, "Blender", 200, "Kitchen");


Update: Update customer address

UPDATE Customers

SET Address = '789 Pine Road'

WHERE CustomerID = 202;


Delete: Remove an order.


WHERE OrderID = 301;



The relational model provides a straightforward way to define and manipulate data using a structured query language (SQL). It supports complex querying and transaction operations, ensuring data integrity through constraints like primary and foreign keys. This model's power lies in its simplicity and flexibility, making it the preferred choice for database systems in various applications ranging from small businesses to large enterprises.


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Object-Oriented Data Mode

The Object-Oriented Data Model extends the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm to databases, where data and related operations are encapsulated into objects. This model combines object-oriented programming principles and database technology to represent information as objects, similar to how it's handled in object-oriented languages like Java or C++.

Key Concepts of the Object-Oriented Data Model

  1. Objects: An object is an encapsulation of data along with methods (functions) that operate on the data. An object represents an instance of a class.
  2. Classes: A class defines the structure and behavior (methods) of objects. Classes are templates from which objects are created and typically define the attributes (data) and the methods (functions to manipulate the data).
  3. Inheritance: Objects can inherit properties and methods from other classes. This allows for code reusability and hierarchical classification.
  4. Encapsulation: Data (attributes) and methods (functions that operate on the data) are bundled together as a self-contained unit or object. This ensures that the object's internal state can only be changed by its methods, protecting the integrity of the data.
  5. Polymorphism: Objects of different classes can be treated as objects of a common super class, primarily through the use of inheritance. This allows for a single interface to represent different underlying forms (data types).

Example: Library Management System

Consider a library system designed using the object-oriented data model. We can define several classes and objects for this application.

Classes and Objects

  1. Person Class
  1. Member Class (inherits from Person)
  1. Librarian Class (inherits from Person)
  1. Book Class
  1. Catalog Class

Relationships and Interactions

Object Interactions Example

Suppose a member wants to borrow a book. Here's how the interaction might take place using the defined methods:

  1. Search for a Book: The member queries the catalog.

book = catalog.FindBookByTitle("The Great Gatsby")


  1. Borrow the Book: The librarian processes the request if the book is available.

if book.CheckAvailability():

   librarian.CheckOutBook(book, member)



The object-oriented data model is highly suitable for applications like a library system, where complex objects and relationships can exist. It supports a more natural and realistic representation of real-world entities and their interactions. This model promotes better data management practices and code reusability with features such as inheritance and encapsulation. It's particularly useful in scenarios where the system is expected to evolve over time, allowing new classes and objects to be seamlessly integrated without disrupting the existing system architecture.

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Integrity constraints

Integrity constraints are rules that ensure the accuracy and consistency of data within a relational database. These constraints enforce conditions on database operations and are critical for maintaining the reliability and integrity of the database's data across its lifecycle. Common types of integrity constraints include:

1. Domain Constraints

These specify that each attribute in a database must be declared upon a defined domain and that all values in that attribute must conform to the specified domain.

Example: In a database table that stores information about employees, the age of an employee might be constrained to values between 18 and 65.

CREATE TABLE Employees (

    EmployeeID INT,

    Name VARCHAR(100),

    Age INT CHECK (Age >= 18 AND Age <= 65)



2. Primary Key Constraints

This constraint ensures that a column or a group of columns (primary key) has unique values and that none of the values are null. This uniquely identifies each row in a table.

Example: The EmployeeID in an Employees table must be unique and not null.

CREATE TABLE Employees (


    Name VARCHAR(100),

    Age INT



3. Foreign Key Constraints

A foreign key in one table points to a primary key in another table. This constraint ensures the referential integrity of the data in one table to match values in another table.

Example: If there is a Departments table with a unique DepartmentID for each department, and the Employees table includes a DepartmentID column to indicate where each employee works, the DepartmentID in Employees must match a DepartmentID in Departments.

CREATE TABLE Departments (

    DepartmentID INT PRIMARY KEY,

    DepartmentName VARCHAR(100)



CREATE TABLE Employees (


    Name VARCHAR(100),

    DepartmentID INT,

    FOREIGN KEY (DepartmentID) REFERENCES Departments(DepartmentID)


4. Unique Constraints

This constraint ensures that all values in a column are different from one another.

Example: If an email attribute is used in an Employees table, every employee must have a unique email address.

CREATE TABLE Employees (


    Email VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE,

    Name VARCHAR(100)



5. Check Constraints

These allow specifying that the value in a certain column must satisfy a specific condition.

Example: Ensuring that the salary of any employee cannot be negative.

CREATE TABLE Employees (


    Name VARCHAR(100),

    Salary DECIMAL CHECK (Salary >= 0)



6. Not Null Constraints

This constraint specifies that a column cannot hold a NULL value, ensuring that certain important columns do not lack data.

Example: In an Employees table, ensuring that every employee must have an associated Name and EmployeeID.

CREATE TABLE Employees (

    EmployeeID INT NOT NULL,

    Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL




Integrity constraints are fundamental to ensuring the quality and reliability of data within relational databases. They help prevent invalid data entry into the database either by mistake or intentionally. By enforcing these constraints, databases maintain accuracy, consistency, and compliance with business rules and logic, which are crucial for any system that relies on dependable data.


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Querying relational data

Querying relational data involves using a query language, most commonly SQL (Structured Query Language), to retrieve and manipulate data stored in relational database management systems (RDBMS). SQL allows you to perform a variety of operations such as selecting data, inserting new records, updating existing data, and deleting records from a database. Below, I’ll explain some basic SQL queries and demonstrate each with examples based on a hypothetical database schema for a simple school system.

Schema Example

For our example, let's assume we have the following tables in our school system database:

  1. Students
  1. Courses
  1. Teachers
  1. Enrollments

1. Selecting Data

The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database. You can retrieve data from one or more tables.

Example: Retrieve the full names of all students.

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Students;


2. Filtering Data

The WHERE clause is used in conjunction with SELECT to filter records and fetch only those that fulfill a specified condition.

Example: Find all students in the 10th grade.

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Students WHERE Grade = 10;


3. Joining Tables

SQL joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.

Example: List all students and their enrolled courses.

SELECT Students.FirstName, Students.LastName, Courses.CourseName

FROM Students

JOIN Enrollments ON Students.StudentID = Enrollments.StudentID

JOIN Courses ON Enrollments.CourseID = Courses.CourseID;


4. Inserting Data

The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records into a table.

Example: Add a new student to the Students table.

INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, FirstName, LastName, Grade)

VALUES (123, 'John', 'Doe', 9);


5. Updating Data

The UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records.

Example: Update a student’s grade.

UPDATE Students

SET Grade = 10

WHERE StudentID = 123;


6. Deleting Data

The DELETE statement is used to delete existing records from a table.

Example: Remove a student from the database.

DELETE FROM Students WHERE StudentID = 123;


7. Aggregating Data

SQL aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Accompanied by the GROUP BY clause, it groups rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows.

Example: Count the number of students in each grade.

SELECT Grade, COUNT(StudentID) AS NumberOfStudents

FROM Students




Querying relational databases using SQL allows for a wide range of data interactions, from simple retrievals to complex joins and aggregations. These operations are crucial for data management in software applications, allowing users and administrators to easily access and manipulate data as required by business logic or user needs.


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Logical database design

Logical Database Design is a crucial phase in the lifecycle of database development. It involves creating a logical model of the database schema based on the requirements and rules defined during the data modeling phase, without considering the physical aspects like how the data will be stored or the specific DBMS that will be used. The logical design translates the conceptual design into a logical structure that includes specifying tables, columns, keys, and relationships between tables.

Key Steps in Logical Database Design:

  1. Normalization: This process involves organizing data in the database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. It ensures that the data follows the rules of normal forms, typically up to the third normal form (3NF).
  2. Defining Tables and Relationships: Based on the entity-relationship (ER) diagrams created during the conceptual design phase, define the actual database tables, the attributes they contain, and the relationships between these tables.
  3. Defining Keys: Determine the primary keys for uniquely identifying records in tables and foreign keys for establishing relationships between tables.
  4. Specifying Integrity Constraints: Define rules to ensure data accuracy and consistency, such as check constraints, not null constraints, and unique constraints.

Example: Online Bookstore

Let's design a logical model for an online bookstore. The system needs to manage books, customers, and orders.

Conceptual Design Summary:

Step 1: Normalization

For example, we might start with a denormalized table for orders that includes customer and book data:

This should be normalized into separate tables:

  1. Customers (CustomerID, Name, Email) - CustomerID is the primary key.
  2. Books (BookID, Title, Author, Price) - BookID is the primary key.
  3. Orders (OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate) - OrderID is the primary key, CustomerID is a foreign key.
  4. OrderItems (OrderItemID, OrderID, BookID, Quantity) - OrderItemID is the primary key, OrderID and BookID are foreign keys.

Step 2: Defining Tables and Relationships

Step 3: Defining Keys

Step 4: Specifying Integrity Constraints


The logical database design effectively maps out how data is logically stored in a database, detailing tables, columns, and relationships, but without implementation-specific details. This model is DBMS-independent and focuses on ensuring the database structure supports the data requirements efficiently and logically. Once this phase is complete, the physical design can commence, where these logical specifications are implemented in a specific DBMS, considering performance, storage, and other physical characteristics of the database system.

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Database Views

A view in a database is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. It contains rows and columns, just like a real table, and the fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. Views do not store data themselves; they are saved SQL queries that can be treated as tables when executing queries. Views are useful for many reasons including security, simplicity, and abstraction.

Advantages of Using Views

  1. Simplification of Complex Queries: Views can encapsulate complex queries with joins and aggregations, presenting a simple interface to the end users or application developers.
  2. Security: Views can restrict access to specific rows or columns of data, providing a secure way to present only necessary data to certain users without giving them full access to the underlying tables.
  3. Data Abstraction: Changes to underlying table structures can be hidden through views without requiring changes in user interfaces or application code that accesses the data.
  4. Logical Data Independence: By using views, applications can remain unaffected by changes in the schema of the underlying tables.

Example: Creating and Using a View

Let's consider a database for an online bookstore that includes Customers and Orders tables. Suppose we often need to retrieve customer names along with the count of their orders. We can create a view to simplify this frequent query:

Table Definitions:

Assume we want to frequently access the customer name alongside the number of orders they have placed. A direct SQL query to retrieve this might look complex with joins and count calculations:

SELECT c.CustomerName, COUNT(o.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders

FROM Customers c

JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

GROUP BY c.CustomerName;


To simplify access to this data, we can create a view:

Creating a View:

CREATE VIEW CustomerOrderCount AS

SELECT c.CustomerName, COUNT(o.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders

FROM Customers c

JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

GROUP BY c.CustomerName;



Now, whenever we need the count of orders by customer, we can simply query the view:

Using the View:


SELECT CustomerName, NumberOfOrders FROM CustomerOrderCount;


This query is much simpler and more readable, especially for users who may not be familiar with how to write joins or aggregate functions.

Modifying and Managing Views


DROP VIEW CustomerOrderCount;



Views are a powerful feature of SQL databases that provide a way to simplify complex SQL queries, enhance security by limiting data exposure, and offer data abstraction. They allow you to customize the presentation of data without altering the underlying database schemas, making them essential tools for both database administrators and developers.



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